
Renata's highlights

Curiosities and tips from the most famous massage therapist in Brazil


Renata's highlights

Curiosities and tips from the most famous massage therapist in Brazil

Chatting with Renata

Chatting with Luísa Barbosa

Weekly interviews led by Renata França

Saúde e Bem-Estar

The Importance of Moisturising Skin in Cold Weather




Celebrities who love the Method

Meet Liz Soares: Celebrity Prep for the Met Gala

Meet the Pupil who serves celebrities

Channel Renata França

O Beabá da Miracle Face

Com vocês, mais um beabá que deixa todo mundo enlouquecido por receber uma massagem do Método Renata França (quem faz....aaaama!).


  • Gabriela Pugliesi

    “A Miracle Touch é uma das massagens mais incríveis que já fiz. Primeiro, porque você percebe o resultado na hora! É impressionante o quanto muda! Segundo, porque a Re e a Paty têm uma energia maravilhosa e isso conta muito na hora da massagem, pelo menos, pra mim!"

  • Donata Meirelles

    “Talking about Miracle massage is easy ...I first met Renata a few years ago and since then I never stopped doing it! The name lives up to the method she has created. It's really great, so I do it religiously twice a week.”

  • Lala Rudge

    “Sou suspeita para falar da Técnica Miracle Touch, pois, desde que comecei a fazer, não larguei mais a Re nem a Paty França! Na primeira sessão, já vi uma enorme diferença, um resultado incrível! Além disso, depois de todos esses anos, nos tornamos muito amigas"

  • Rodrigo Sangion

    “I travel to the best hotels and often go to the best spas, but I have never seen results such as Renata's, it’s incredible! The Miracle Touch massage is the miracle of touch and Renata is a miracle of God. “

  • Joaquim Lopes

    "I was very impressed the first time I received Miracle Touch. Not to mention that Renata’s story is so inspiring as is her technique! That is why she has got so many pupils spread all over the world.”

  • Cássia Ávila

    "I've known Renata for over 15 years! I clearly remember once telling her: 'You are the best masseuse I've ever seen! You'll be very famous and will be the most competitive masseuse in São Paulo' Said and done!"

  • Preta Gil

    "I've been doing the treatment with her for about five years now, and whenever I go to São Paulo for photo shoots, or to record TV shows, I go to the spa or they come to the hotel. It makes a great difference!”

  • Giovanna Lancellotti

    “I learned about Miracle Touch on the internet and when I received it, I loved it! I felt I was lighter and not swollen any longer. Renata França’s pupils are around the whole world! I've been with them in Paris, Portugal, Italy, New York…”

  • Fernando Torquatto

    “The massage is truly spectacular; the result is not something that appears in the medium term, it is immediate. If you have an event, a photo session and want to look good with a well-defined body contour, Miracle Touch is the best choice.”

  • Taís Araújo

    “She usually takes pictures of the leg that has been shaping and the other that has not. After ten minutes of shaping, you can see incredible results: one leg is much thinner and more drained than the other”.